Socrates - Comenius 1: 
School Project “We are all living under the same sky”


Fourth task

Three friends Adam, Bedrich and Cyril live in neighbouring small houses. They decided to supply themselves together with a lawn-mower that costs 15000 CZK. As their gardens are of different areas, they contributed to the purchase with different sums: Adam paid 6500 CZK, Bedrich 5500 CZK and Cyril paid the rest. They used the lawn-mower together three years. Then Bedψich and Cyril bought their own lawn-mowers, while Adam kept the old lawn-mower. The friends agreed that during the three years the price had fallen down to 9000 CZK. What amounts of money  should Adam pay to Bedrich and Cyril?


Using the rule of three, I reckoned how much money (in %) each of them gave for the purchase of the lawn-mower.


15000 CZK …………………….. 100 %

6500 CZK …...…..………………. x %


6500 : 15000


x : 100



(6500 . 10) : 15000



43 %


15000 CZK …………………….. 100 %

5500 CZK …...…..………………. y %


y = (5500 . 100) : 15000
y = 37 %


15000 CZK …………………….. 100 %
3000 CZK …...…..………………. z %


z = (3000 . 100) : 15000
z = 20 %

Then I reckoned (by the same method) how much money has Adam to give to Bedrich and Cyril.

Adam gives to Bedrich:

9000 CZK …………………….. 100 %
x CZK …...…..……………..…. 37 %


x : 9000 = 37 : 100
x = (9000 . 37) : 100
x = 3300 CZK

Adam gives to Cyril:

9000 CZK …………………….. 100 %
x CZK …...…..……………..…. 20 %


x : 9000 = 20 : 100
x = (20 . 9000) : 100
x = 1800 CZK

Adam should give 3300 CZK to Bedrich and 1800 CZK to Cyril.