Socrates - Comenius 1: 
School Project “We are all living under the same sky”


Third task

Kamil reckoned that the numbers of years of his parents are in the ratio 6 : 5 this year. After 12 years, this ratio will change to 8 : 7. Kamil’s mum is younger than his dad. By how many years?


We describe the difference in the number of years by the sign “x”.

Dad is 6x years this year, Mum is 5x years, therefore she is younger by x years.

We make up the equation expressing the ratio of the parents’ ages after 12 years.

This year: Dad 36 years old, Mum 30 years old

36 : 30 = 6 : 5

After 12 years: Dad 48 years old, Mum 42 years old

48 : 42 = 8 : 7

Kamil’s mum is 6 years younger than his dad.