Socrates - Comenius 1: 
School Project “We are all living under the same sky”


Political system

The head of the state – the president is elected by the parliament once in 5 years for 2 administrations at the most. Nowadays the president is Vaclav Havel.

The parliament – is an authority that consists of the elected members of parliament. It is distributed into Chamber of Deputies and Senate. Together they ratify or reject laws.

Chamber of Deputies – consists of 200 members elected for 4 years.

The Senate – consists of 81 senators elected for 6 years, however; every two years one third of senators is exchanged.

The government – is an institution which consists of such political parties, that got the most  votes in election. Nowadays it is CSSD. The head of the government is a prime minister. Milos Zeman is holding the post now. Other members of the government are ministers who run particular portfolios.