Socrates - Comenius 1: 
School Project “We are all living under the same sky”


Thematic Plan of Socrates Project


Work in the Field – Locality of Balinka Valley

Research of several selected ecosystem kinds of smaller extent, collecting dicotyledonous plants in flower, making their photos and drawings, identifying and classifying them into the botanical system.

Description of selected ecosystems including the record of occurence other biocenoses neighbouring on the found plants.


Working up Material from the Work in the Field

Homework (producing herbaria, collecting information about the plants concerned)

Schoolwork (classifying and working up all material, drawing the plants in Art lessons)


Finishing Tasks from October and Creating the Web Site  


Translation into English and Making up the Final Shape of Web Site

January to April

Confrontation of the Final Product with Other Participants of the Project


Work in Field

The same tasks as in September but different plant species structure (another season).


Working up Material

See October, in addition comparing the occurence of plants in flower in the same places in autumn and in spring.

Note: Translation and making up the web site within the next school year.